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The Valentines Day Cup Model Sailboat Races has become
an important annual event, beloved by residents
and visitors alike - a great day on
Bambarra beach for the whole family with live music,
local food, and lots of fun in the water with sailboats.
This type of model boat was a common childhood toy across the islands of TCI, with children and adults together
involved in carving, building, rigging and racing
the hand carved sailboats, which are modeled after
the traditional island sloops. This is an energetic and
active sport! Skippers run alongside adjusting the tiller
and trimming the sails to follow the course set in the
shallows of beautiful Bambarra beach.
The Middle Caicos Co-op maintains a fleet of model
sailboats for skippers, or sailors are welcome to bring
their own boats. Races are open to all with cash prizes
and trophies to be won in many categories. The event is purely not for profit and funds are
raised for the schools and churches of North & Middle
Caicos, and to teach kids how to sail.